Posted on January 4, 2025
New Song Recommendations For 2025
Hi guys, hope you’re all doing well. Since it’s the new year, I thought it would be lovely if we could start the new year off with some nice new song recommendations, I have got a nice new bunch for you here, so enjoy.
And the normal version
This is the episode of Top Of The Pops I was watching yesterday night with my family, It’s got most of the following clips of the artists that I featured here, enjoy.
Posted on December 31, 2024
Discussing What I did For Christmas, a Little Catch Up
Hi guys, welcome back to Big Blog Theory, I hope you’re all doing well. I hope you all had a nice Christmas to those who celebrate it. My Christmas was very different this year for a number of reasons, one because this year has been really chaotic and I’ve come to the point now where I don’t even know where I am or who I am anymore, no joke, so much has been happening this year. But It’s nice for me to have a little catch up with you guys. Me and my family had a very chilled Christmas this year but we still had a nice time. Spending time with my family, mostly my Mum, my Dad, Brother and my sister. I’m writing this post because I wanted to tell you guys something. On Christmas day, me and my big sister were helping my mum with the Christmas dinner food prep, mostly the veggies and whilst we were doing that, we were watching The Italian Job. The minute I heard they were showing it at Christmas, I was like ” Yes, I’m watching it” I love that film so much, it makes me so happy and it brings me so much joy. Just watching Michael Cain try to deal with the Mafia is brilliant. Watching this film, the third time reminded me how much I loved it. They all look like they had a ball making this film, I love the characters so much. I just want to be friends with all of them. They’re all so funny, I feel like you’d always be laughing when you’re in their company. I would very happily listen to tape recordings of them having rants and talking to each other and giving us an insight on all the havoc and shenanigans they get up to. I remember I spoke about this film on, The Jesus Of Nazareth post. I did the post because I wanted to talk more about the film.
I just wanted to clear the air because I know that I made a little mistake in that post because when I was talking about the scene where Michael Cain is in the car whilst the wedding is going on, I was meant to say car but I said motorbike and it took me a while to realise that he wasn’t on a motorbike, he was in a car. It wasn’t until I watched it again at Christmas that I realised I had made a mistake and I went on to change it but by then I think some people already saw that and probably went ” What’s this girl talking about? motorbike? is she senile or something?” so yeah, I just wanted to clear the air. But I’m sure you guys couldn’t care less. Also, I remember the scene where the boys are going to raid that building and you could see Robert’s character standing there holding an axe, I was like yep, they’re going to get it tonight, ha ha. I’ll never fall out of love with Robert’s character in that film, he was so cute, I’ve loved him ever since he first popped up on screen. That scene where he’s protesting about where they’re all going to sit in the van. His strong Cockney accent, just never fails to make me laugh. I love Cockney accents for some weird reason, one of which is because I am myself, I was born in Hackney, My Dad grew up in Hackney all through the sixties, seventies and eighties. You don’t really see any of those old Londoners from The East End anymore, they’ve all upped sticks and gone. I don’t blame them to be honest, the place has changed so much. My Dad’s always telling me stories of what it’s like when growing up in Hackney. It was so rough, you were always getting into fights. Teddy Boys and the Skin Heads, the Spivs. It was a rough place, it’s not a nice thing to have to go through but when you think about it, it makes you stronger and more resilient. My Dad grew up with some right nutters. I love hearing those stories because it reminds me of a place that’s no more. But yeah, going back to The Italian Job, my love for this film just keeps getting bigger and bigger. It’s one of those films that inspires my writing.
I’ve also been writing poetry. When I’m 18 I’m going to get an agent so I could publish my own book of poetry. I’m already a published author, I got published this year and I had my poem written in a reference book of The Professionals which I’m so happy about, it’s so cool. A really good friend of ours who we met at The George Sweeney Q and A event at the Phoenix Arts Club got in touch and he has a business where he makes all this stuff as a nostalgia tribute to all this old British TV and films. He asked me to write a poem about the Professionals and give it to him so he could put it in his Annual. So yeah, now I’m a published Author, so that’s exciting. I love poetry, I love reading poetry, I love writing poetry. Poetry is wonderful, I started writing poetry back in primary school but My English teacher spotted my ability to write poetry at secondary school. I was the only one who had any interest in William Shakespeare and poetry, everyone else had no interest, I was fascinated in his plays, I would literally come home and tell my parents what some of them were about, I loved studying William Shakespeare but everyone would just take the mickey out of it. So I would come home and read some Shakespeare in my room and enjoy it without interruptions from my classmates. I still have no idea where my ability to write poetry even came from, I discovered it when I was like 12 or 14. I remember it was when we were in the car and we were going to drop off my brother at work and I had one of those bubble gum things, this piece of paper was attached and it said ” Write a poem using these words” and I just suddenly found myself writing a poem which I’ve never done before and before you know it, I was writing hundreds of them. I’m still writing poems to this day, I love poetry. I’m so blessed to be able to write poetry, it’s such a beautiful thing. God’s blessed me with this incredible gift and it’s come at the right time because before when I was at school, I had no idea what I wanted to do when I left school. So I know that he was like ” Right okay, let me help you out here” I’m beyond grateful for getting to do what I’m doing, especially at my age. Not everyone gets to do stuff like this so it’s kind of a blessing in disguise and I discovered it at the right time because if I hadn’t then I wouldn’t be doing it now, so time is of the essence.
I would like to write poetry that will help people who are going through the same problems. I do this because I enjoy doing it but if it helps people and makes them feel better then I’d be over the moon.
I’m going to carry on writing and I’m going to finish my script and when I turn 18, which is this new year, I’m going to send it off and see where the wind takes me, I’m excited. This year is going to be full of exciting possibilities.
But yeah, going back to the film, it’s just brilliant, every time I watch it, I pick up all these small details that I didn’t pick up the first or second time I watched it. I want to know if there is a fan club for this film because if there is, I want to be a part of it so we could talk about this film all day. I love this movie. It’s got such a brilliant cast and they were so good in their roles. I find myself smiling like an idiot every time I watch it. That leader of the Italian mafia really got on my nerves throughout the film though, like when he started demolishing the cars I was ready to throw hands. The cars were real beauties and I hated seeing them being smashed to pieces. That geezer was a force to be reckoned with though, he was really menacing, you wouldn’t want to mess with him.
That bit where everyone’s sitting in the van with their scarves on and Bill is like ” Well, look happy, you stupid bastards, we won, didn’t we? why are you all looking so depressed?” and you could just see Yellow and everyone else looking like they’ve just given up on life, it’s brilliant. This has got to be one of the best films ever made, a true masterpiece, it’s just so much fun and it’s shot so beautifully as well. It makes such a difference when a film is filmed in real locations, you can generally tell it’s not a green screen. I remember in my other post I talked about the ending with the cliff hanger. When we watched it again at Christmas, my sister was saying that she hated the ending when she first watched it as a kid, it made her so angry because she wanted to know what happened next but looking back at it now, she liked that it ended on a cliff hanger because that way you get to imagine what happens in the end. I love art and films that leave it up to your interpretations. I like making up certain scenarios about what might have happened. That coach tipping off the edge of the cliff, everyone thinking ” now what?” then Michael Cain goes ” I’ve got a brilliant idea” by that point everyone’s just lost it. When that coach goes over the edge then they’re done. Brilliant film and I’m just obsessed with this film and I don’t think it will ever die.
I’m listening to the soundtrack as I’m writing this post. I love the sound track so much, just Michael Cain shouting those lyrics, it’s brilliant. I sing the Self Preservation Society tune every time I go running and people look at me funny, it’s so fun. I love that song especially that part where he goes ”Get a blooming move on! get your skates on mate, get your skates on mate!” if you’ve seen the film, you’ll get the reference. It’s got such a great film soundtrack and it’s so typically British, there’s a lot of Cockney rhyming slang in that song too. I know quite a fair bit of Cockney rhyming slang myself, I’ve been educating myself. Maybe I’ll teach you some Cockney Rhyming slang one day if you would like that. I think it’s good to stick to your roots and not be ashamed of where you’re from. As soon as people hear your Cockney accent, they turn away and they won’t bother you no, more so I’m trying my best to maintain my Cockney accent and I hope it doesn’t go.
Watching the Italian Job again definetly made my Christmas, it was one of my highlights. It’s nice to spend time with family and watch and enjoy a good film together. I could talk about this film all day long if you gave me the chance. I’m always recommending this film to everyone, it’s my favourite film along with many others. I would talk about it more but then I’ll just be rambling on, so I’ll end it here.
Thank you so much for reading my post, I hope you liked it. I’m wishing you all a happy upcoming new year, let’s make this new year a great one and I do hope it will bring you lots of joy in all walks of life. Love you all so much, take care, stay tuned for more work on Big Blog Theory. Next time, I’ll be doing some song recommendations if you like them.
Stay tuned for more work on Big Blog Theory
Posted on December 31, 2024
Song Recommendations 28
Hi guys, hope you’re all doing well. I’ve picked out some more song recommendations for you guys, enjoy
Posted on December 28, 2024
Song Recommendations 27
Hi guys, welcome back to my blog, I hope you’re all doing well. I’ve found some more song recommendations for you guys, I hope you like them. Here are some songs that I have heard recently by watching a couple episodes of Top Of The Pops that I wanted to share with you. Top Of The Pops is essential viewing in our house, we watch it religiously every Friday because that’s when they show them on the TV over here, I love that programme and it’s a great way of discovering bands, singers and musicians of the time. My favourite years would have to be the seventies and the eighties and maybe a little bit of the sixties too, those are my favourite years of the Top Of The Pops in my opinion, the early seventies and the early eighties are the best decades of music especially Top Of The Pops, the eighties was the most creative decade for music. Also the seventies too, I especially love the seventies. Something about that decade that I really love, the fashion, the music, the TV, the Films, the freedom people had. People weren’t afraid to speak their minds and say what they thought and in those days people weren’t easily offended and they could take a joke. Also people were different, there was a sense of community spirit too, it felt like everyone knew each other. You had no idea what was going to end up in the charts in the seventies episodes of Top Of The Pops, you had no idea what you were going to see, I think that’s brilliant. Anyway, enough of me waffling on, I’ll give the links
Posted on December 23, 2024
Song Recommendations 26, My Picks For The Day
Hi guys, I’ve got some more song recommendations for you, these are my song picks for today, I love these songs, enjoy
Posted on December 22, 2024
Song recommendations 25
Hi guys, hope you’re all having a wonderful day wherever you are right now, it’s time for some more music, I’ve got some more song recommendations for you guys, enjoy
Posted on December 21, 2024
Song Recommendations 24
Hi guys, a couple more song recommendations for you, enjoy
I’ve done this song already as a song recommendation, but this one is danced to by Legs and co. I love this so much, the dancer is amazing, I love the outfit she wore for this performance, beautiful as always. I’ll put the link down below
Posted on December 20, 2024
Song Recommendations 23
Hi guys, some more song recommendations, enjoy
Posted on December 19, 2024
Song Recommendations 22
Hi guys, some more song recommendations, mostly music from the sixties if that’s your thing, enjoy
Posted on December 18, 2024
Song Recommendations 21
Hi guys, I’ve got more song recommendations for you guys, enjoy
There’s a true story behind this song that I think I’d better tell you if there are some out there who want to know. It’s one of those mad stories you hear sometimes, you couldn’t make it up. I still laugh about it sometimes when I think about it, I think it was at some point in the seventies or eighties and this story was based on this geezer called George Davis and he was wrongly accused of a crime he didn’t commit and loads of people in those East End areas went out to protest about his innocence, letting it be known that he didn’t do it. And then, a few weeks later, he robbed the bank of Cyprus and ran off with the policeman’s daughter. And that was it, what a cheeky swine. Maybe he wasn’t so innocent after all. You think you know someone when really you don’t know them at all, you don’t know what they’re fully capable of. Brilliant, I don’t know what on earth he was thinking in that little head of his. And, the thing is, if you go around some of those areas you can still see the sentence ”George Davis is innocent” written on the walls. My Dad told me this story a few years ago and I just found it absolutely ridiculous. It’s such a good song too and there’s a great story behind it. Life is stranger than fiction, as some would say. I couldn’t have put it better myself. ”Dodgy Davis is coming out!!” Give it a listen, enjoy