Posted on January 8, 2025
Film Recommendations 3, Some More Of My Favourite Films
Hi guys, welcome back to Big Blog Theory, I hope you’re all doing well. I’ve got some more film recommendations for you guys, another three more. These are other films I love
So the first film I recommend is Some Will, Some Won’t, it’s a great, wonderful comedy film that came out in the early seventies. It was a remake of a classic old black and white British film called Laughter In Paradise. Some Will Some Won’t is such a brilliant film with a brilliant cast and it’s well written and really funny, it’s so much fun, I love this film so much. Basically it’s about this relative of this family who is really rich and wealthy, suddenly dies from dangerous circumstances after falling to his death after one of his mad capers and the family is contacted at the time of his death. They join one another at a family gathering which they will then determine their futures. They watch a tape, their grandfather left them before he died, this tape will determine what their lives are going to be like from then on and discuss financial matters. After hearing him read out his will, they find out that he’s going to share out the inheritance with his family full of parasites but only on one condition. Before they receive their share of the inheritance, they have to do these tasks which is things they all hate doing. It’s a brilliant film, I love the idea for the plot, it’s got a great cast, you’ve got Wilfred Bramble, you’ve got Ronnie Corbett, you’ve got Leslie Phillips who are all brilliant classic British actors. I just really love this film so much, my dad likes this film so that’s how I knew about this film. It’s a gem. If there’s anyone reading this post who loves very quirky, twisted Classic British humour then you’ll love this film.
I am such a geek for classic black and white horror mystery films from the thirties and forties, they’re so good, I’ve been watching an old horror film every night. My favourite old horror, mystery films would have to be Psycho, The Old Dark House, The House On Haunted Hill, A Shadow Of A Doubt, Strangers On A Train, The Cat And The Canary, Gaslight, The Footsteps In The Fog, The Ghost Of St Michael’s and Ghost Train. These are all great old spooky horror films.
Another film I recommend is The Lady Killers which came out in 1955. I love this film, it’s basically about these crooks who pose as a bunch of musicians and they stay in this accommodation and while they are there, they plan a robbery all under the suspicion of the guy who is in charge and his land lady having no clue who they even are and what they’re doing in her apartment. It’s got a great cast, Peter Sellers, Alec Guinness and others. I remember that really funny bit where during the robbery and everyone’s causing havoc, Frankie Howerd turns up and he’s at the market and the horses are trying to eat the fruit and he flips and the horses just do a total rampage and there’s fruit on the floor everywhere and he’s having this breakdown and the people watching it happen and they’re thinking ” What on earth, who is this nut case?” and I love that, it’s so funny. This film is so much fun. I think they did a remake of this but you can’t beat the original film, it’s a classic masterpiece. I discovered this film by accident and I fell in love with it. If you love films about heists and robberies, then you’ll love this and because of a brilliant cast, you won’t be bored. It’s a nice mix of drama, Gothic horror and comedy.
The last film I’m going to recommend is The Million Pound Note which came out in 1954 starring Gregory Peck. I love this film so much. Basically it’s about this guy {played by Gregory Peck} who comes down to The UK to find work because he doesn’t have any money and he finds himself to be a victim of a wager when he picks up a piece of paper with a million pounds. This is such a great film and Gregory Peck is so charming and handsome in this role and you can’t help but love him, a guy who doesn’t know what he’s letting himself in for. This is where they got the idea for the film Trading Places starring Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd which is also a great film but they’re both great in their own ways. I totally recommend this wonderful classic.
That’s it for this recommendation post, I’ll be doing more.