Posted on January 5, 2025
My Love For Classic British Cinema And Television
As you all know by now, I love classic films and TV shows, I always have done. I am such a nerd for classic British Films and TV. My favourite films list just goes on and on and on. I’ve always loved learning and discovering films and TV series of the sixties, seventies and some of the eighties too. I remember I did a post on some of my favourite classic British actors and actresses. One of which is Robert Powell whom I’ve mentioned hundreds of times, I just really love him, I love his work and I love his contribution and how he expresses himself in his career. I was really impressed by his incredible performance in Jesus Of Nazareth, he was amazing and he made me cry almost several times. I remember when I was talking about him on the post and I said that he’s been in the industry since he was 11, actually, correction, he was three which was even younger than I originally thought he was. I didn’t realise this until I watched another interview of him in the two thousands where he revealed that he was actually three, so I do apologise for that. What else can I say about him? I just think he’s incredible. Also, I remember I put out links to those episodes of Thriller which I recommended. Luckily they seem to still be up there but one of them, titled Sign It Death has sadly been taken down by the owner of the channel because he has recently taken his channel down off You Tube which is a shame, first world problems but I’m sure you guys will understand.
I think it’s time I talk about my love of classic cinema and at the end of this post I will be giving out some recommendations, so stay tuned for that.
I love classic cinema, especially those old British films from the forties, fifties, sixties and also seventies. I’m a nerd for classic British cinema. Some of my favourites include The Raging Moon: 1971, The Italian Job 1969, Goodbye Mr Chips 1939, Melody 1971, The Railway Children 1970, To Sir With Love 1967, The Battle Of The Sexes 1959, Footsteps In The Fog 1955, Gaslight 1944, I start Counting 1969, Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush 1968, Gregory’s Girl 1981, The Millionairess 1960, Some Will Some Won’t 1970, And Soon The Darkness 1970, Picnic At Hanging Rock 1975, The Incident 1967, Genevieve 1953, The Man Who Would Be King 1975, Escape To Athena 1978, many more.
Now to end this post, it’s time for some film recommendations. I’m only going to give three recommendations for now and then maybe I’ll do some more on a different post.
So the first film I’m going to recommend is The Raging Moon which is a film that came out in the early seventies. I just absolutely adore this film, it’s such a wonderful, beautiful story. So basically, this young man falls ill on his brother’s wedding day and he’s basically paralyzed from the waist down and he gets put in a home for disabled people and he’s really bitter about life and what’s just happened to him but then he meets this girl who also is in a wheel chair with the same problem and they fall in love and it’s one of the most beautiful movies I’ve ever had the pleasure in watching. One of the most beautiful love stories ever told. I cried so much during this film.
The actor who plays the lead is Malcom Mcdowell who you all may know from The film A Clockwork Orange and Nanette Newman plays his love interest. They were both incredible in this film, I loved the performances from everyone in the cast. It’s a soft, tender film but at the same time it’s a really powerful film and it had an impact on me when I first watched it. I randomly discovered this film and I fell in love with it, now it’s one of my favourite films. The ending still breaks my heart. Beautiful film and I introduced this film to my family and they really loved it. Beautiful storytelling and I loved the performances, just wonderful. I’m such a cry baby when it comes to films. That’s a good thing because it means you’re immersed in the story and these characters. The best films are the ones that make you cry. The Raging Moon is amazing, I’ve seen it twice now. This film deserves a lot more recognition, I feel like it’s not being talked about enough, an underrated masterpiece in film and cinematography. I totally recommend this film. It’s also based on a novel and they later adapted it into a film. It makes me really emotional when I think about how they both fell in love but the ending has just ripped me apart. Life is unexpected and it’s never straight forward. I love how they didn’t sugar coat it, they made it as real as possible and it’s really wonderful, I wanted them to fall in love and settle down together. I’m always recommending this film to everyone I know, I love this film so much. They should show this film in all schools, it’s amazing.
Another film I really love is Melody 1971. I just really love this film so much. It’s a great film about youth, friendship and love. And it’s this beautiful love story between this young boy and this young girl who love each other but the world around them constantly tells them they can’t be together. It’s really wonderful, it’s really innocent and adorable. This film made me so happy but it also made me sad too. It’s a really beautiful story. The soundtrack is entirely made by Bee Gees and I love the soundtrack. I love their earlier music. This film also has a brilliant cast and I love the performances. My dad introduced this film to me and I watched it on my own and it’s like my favourite film. It’s the definition of wonderful. It’s one of the most wonderful stories that’s ever been told. I really recommend this film. I think all young people should watch this film at least once in their lives.
The last film I recommend is Goodbye Mr Chips 1939. This film is just amazing, This was one of the first films that really made me cry. It’s so beautiful and the story is incredible. They did loads of remakes of this film but the original version is the one to see. It’s a really beautiful film set in this school. I don’t want to give any spoilers so I’m not going to tell you what it’s about but all I can say is that it is one of the best films ever made. One of my absolute faves. And I found myself crying throughout the whole entire film. It’s an absolute classic that everyone needs to see before they die because it’s got some important lessons in it. It’s one of the most powerful stories ever told. I recommend this film to everyone. I’m really recommending some tear jerkers today, ha ha.
Thank you all so much for reading this post, I hope you liked it. Have a nice day wherever you are, I love you guys so, so much, take care
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