Posted on January 19, 2025
My Film Recommendations 4
Hi guys, welcome back to Big Blog Theory, I hope you’re all doing well. I’ve got some more film recommendations for you guys. I’ve been watching more films lately and I’ve discovered some wonderful films that I would love to share with you guys. So enjoy
So the first film I want to recommend is Bedazzled 1967. I love this film so much, I watched it a few weeks ago and it instantly became one of my favourite films. So it’s this film that came out in the sixties and it’s about this guy called Stanley Moon who works at a wimpy bar and he likes this girl but he doesn’t have the courage to ask her out, he’s a hapless loser and a no hoper and so at one of his visits to church he asks God to grant him the strength to ask her out but he summons the devil instead and the devil grants him seven wishes in return for his soul and once the devil is in his life, he causes havoc and slowly ruins his life. It’s such a great film, it’s really funny. It’s a Peter Cook and Dudley Moore film, I love Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, I love their comedy so much. I really love the plot idea for the film, I think it’s really creative and fun and just twisted and demented, I really love it, I’ve always wondered what it’s like if you have the devil in your life and this film is a prime example and obviously you’ve got Peter Cook playing the devil and he was brilliant as the devil. I think they did a remake of this with Brendan Fraser but the original is brilliant. It’s a very quirky film and if you love black humour then you’ll love this. And I sometimes shout ” Julie Andrews!!!” if you’ve seen the film, you’ll know the reference, brilliant film and it made me laugh a lot and it was perfect because I was just starting to get into their comedy and I was studying their comedy too. I so recommend this film, I love it so much. I’m such a nerd for classic British comedy.
The next film I’m going to recommend is Band Of Thieves 1962. I really liked this film. It came out in the sixties and it’s about these prison inmates who become famous jazz musicians but how long until they go back to their old ways? It’s a fun film and I love the jazz music in it. This is the film that got me into jazz music and I’ve been listening to some jazz music very recently. This film was a cool discovery I think, I watched it on Talking Pictures TV, I loved the idea that they were criminals who turned to jazz music as a main focus but then that guy was trying to make them take part in crime again. I recommend this film to any aspiring young or old jazz musician, it’s great.
The last film I’m going to recommend is The Rebel 1961. I really liked this film too. Basically Tony Hancock plays this guy who is so sick of his life and going to work every morning and being surrounded by others who have no personality or no imagination and he wants to go his own way and go out and do his own thing. So he wants to be an artist and he makes these mad sculptures and he drives his landlady up the wall with his mad creations and he feels like his art is not being appreciated in London so he goes out to Paris because he thinks he’ll be more appreciated there. I really loved this film, I thought it was really funny and it’s very creative, artistic, fun and thought provoking at certain times and very colourful and artsy. I recommend this film to any art students out there, I think you’ll really like this. And also, Irene Handl is in this, I love her, she’s such a great actress. She played Tony Hancock’s landlady in the film. I know her from The Italian Job 1969, that woman with the cats talking about that guy in the lounge doing something quite obscene with a net, ha ha. I honestly don’t know how she or those two kept a straight face throughout that scene, I would have started cracking up. They just looked severely disturbed, ha ha. I love her, she’s great, she was also really funny in The Rebel. I love music and art related films. This one’s great because it’s got such a brilliant cast, I loved the performances, the comedy, Tony Hancock was really funny. I love that bit at the end where he goes something like ” You’re all stark raving mad, the lot of you, you don’t even know what you’re looking at” I love that, I think it might have been a bit of a dig at some people who don’t understand art or who have no interpretations of art. I love films about normal people / working class folk getting together to beat the system or put two fingers up at the establishment, they’re always so fun and interesting to watch.
That’s all for now, I hope you liked these recommendations. I hope you all have a nice day wherever you are right now. I love you guys, take care
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