I have learned lots about poetry an as I learned lots about it I wanted to do some myself .

And as I writ some I suddenly realised on how fun it is to write.

The first step into poetry is to  think of some lyrics for the song, what the song is gonna be about, the rythem and the instruments.

Lots of authors use poetry in their books  Such as William Shakespeare , Michael Rosen , William Wordsworth , Lord Byron, more.

Lord Byron was a poet that fought alongside the Greeks for Greek independence.

William Shakespeare write poetry but he also write plays such as Romeo, Juliet, The Tempest, The Midsummer Nights Dream, more, such as Hamlet and macbeth and much more.

here are some pictures of famous Poets.

More work to come on BBT.


My favoroute thing is Kawaii. I like it because its cute,colourful and cool.

Other things that are related to kawaii are squishies, plush toys, dresses, clothing, wigs, japanese sweets, decorations, retro toys.

Kawaii is a Japanese thing and you will find lots of people in Japan and around the world enjoying it.

It can involve things like hairstyles, dressing up, having makeovers and wearing certain things.

You will mainly see people in Harijuku wearing mad and colourful outfits that are mainly based on Japanese toy dolls.

You will also see lots of plush toys in peoples bedrooms, since they are cute..

The people that are wearing outfits have different personalities.

Lots of people in Japan wear outfits to express themselves and it makes them feel happy.


These are some pictures of my kawaii stuff.

I also like weird teddy bears like llamas  and other animal plush toys because they are cute and facinating.

Kawaii means cute in Japan .

I will continue to keep you posted on my latest things that I buy and post up pictures of them.

Capsule toys are very popular in Japan and they have lots miniture toys in the machines that most little kids like to get sometimes.

There is a Japanese channel called NHK and it shows alot of cool Japanese toys, objects, gadgets, games, machines in toy fairs, I really like this programme because it makes me facinated watching all of the cool things . They are other shows on The NHK  channel like, Great Gear, Pythagora Switch, Kawaii International and more.

I really like the programme called Pythagora Switch because its funny,cool, interesting,fun to watch. Another thing what I like about it is that in every beginning there is a marble run but with different objects and its really cool, you can tell that they tried to get it right many times until they made it perfect which i like.

In the programme Kawaii International they talk about things makeovers, cool toys, toys that are trending, useful tips.

I like it because they review cool toys, they transform themselves into dolls, most of the tips are usefull.

You should check it out . If you like programmes and shows that are similar to that then you would love it.

I used to collect weird things. I collected stuff like small toys, soaps, sweets/ candy, other weird and cool things.

I collected soaps because they are useful to have in the house, and they smell nice.

I collected sweets/ candy because once in a while i could sneakily eat some, that was probably why I collected them.

I used to collect sponges because when I get them I usally cut them after. Now you may be thinking ” why do you do that” ?.

Well it is satisfying to me, seeing it just coming off is so cool, to me its not weird at all.

I just collect things that I just dont use but I just get it anyways.

Its good to collect weird things sometimes. you can do some research about the things you buy and learn about them.

Especially if you love playing with toys. Its good to play with things if you are children, kids, teens or adults . You can play with things to take your mind off of things like if you are stressed or if you just like playing with toys in generel.

Here are some pictures of my toys, plush toys or stuffed animals, squishies.

panda bear kawaii cute animal little icon. Isolated and flat illustration

Royalty-free stock illustration of a kawaii sloth hanging from a tree branch.

I watch tofu cute on youtube and I love their videos. one of the members of the crew is called Devon and she does reviews on kawaii products. I love watching her on youtube.


Be Creative!

I love doing art. Its one of my favoroute hobbies. You will see me doing alot of art, I love being creative.

Being creative is very important because its a way to express your feelings, and drawing, colouring and painting is a great way to do that.

Also testing different tones of colour is your first step on starting a painting.

You should also watch step by step guides and videos to help you draw your very own piece of art.

Once you start doing that you can start by tracing .

Learning about famous artists.

Leonardo the Vinci created the famous portrait of Mona lisa, for the people who enjoy doing artistic things should think outside the box when you are creating something because they are so many ideas out there. They are waiting for you to take them and use them, so if you want to do something do it, dont let anyone tell you what to do, do the things you want to do, enjoy yourself.

I hope my words helped to inspire you, to enjoy yourself and to be creative.

More work to come on Big Blog Theory.


Favourite movies

I love watching movies. All types of films, I like Adventure, spy movies, scary movies and more.

If you are someone like me then you would binge trailers and small clips of films and sneak peeks of films.

I like Back to the Future, James Bond movies, Bohemian Rhapsody and more.

When I do a bit of art I base a few of my pictures and drawings on movie posters because I like making them and I like using my imagination to make film posters. Almost  all of my pictures I draw on the computer are James bond movie posters. I get better every time I do the same movie poster.

I recently watched lots of movies.


Here are some pictures of diffrerent movies I love to watch….


This is Rio cinema. I like to go there to watch movies. I would recommend coming here.

This is the new James Bond film. I am very excited to see this in the cinemas when it comes out.

I recently watched a movie called Stan and Ollie, I absolutely loved it.

Steve Coogan plays Stan Laurel in the movie and I have to say he played the character really well . I thought  I was watching the real Laurel and Hardy and also Bob C Reily plays the Character really well too.

I am a Laurel and Hardy fan and watching the film made me happy.

I would like to say well done to all of the actors in the film and the directors for making a masterpiece.

A few weeks ago me and my family watched this movie Knives Out and we enjoyed it. If you like murder mystery films then you will absolutely love it.








Regular Show

I really like the cartoon Regular Show . If you dont know what Regular Show is i can explain it. Regular Show is a cartoon on Cartoon Network and its about 2 friends that work in the park in America and they have friends that join them in the park. Their names are Highfive Ghost, Muscleman, Pops and Skips.

Mordecai and Rigby and their friends go on adventures together. They also have a boss called Benson.

I really like it because it is funny and interesting and very well made.

They are so many more cartoons on Cartoon Network to explore but I like Regular Show because it is diffrent than the rest of the cartoons on Cartoon Network.

You can tell that the creators of Regular Show  have worked hard on their masterpiece.

The voices of the characters are J. G Quintel [ Mordecai], William Salyers [ Rigby],  Sam Marin[ Benson, Pops, Muscleman, Mark Hamill [ Skips].

For more Characters that you will see in the episodes further in the seasons.  Translator [ Mark Hamill] Snowballs the ice monster [ Mark Hamill] , Jack Farley, Highfive Ghost father[Mark Hamill]and Howard Fightington [ Mark Hamill].

Highfive Ghost[ Jeff Bennet, J. G Quintel . Margaret Smith [ Janie Hadddd Tompkins, Eileen Roberts [ Minty Lewis]. Starla Gutsmandottir [ Coutney Taylor].

Mr Maellard [ David Ogden Stiers] , Gareth , Gary[ Robin Atkin  Downes, Bodybuilders [ Jeff Bennet], Party Pete[ Jeff Bennet] And The Knight. And they are more characters to come. Some of the episodes I like are The night owl,  kill it radio[ i dont know what its called], I like the one with Ace Balthazar , Bald spot, Guys night, Peeps, Expert or liar, The pie eating contest and more.




Lucky Seven and other music

The Jam In the City LP cover image Paul Weller, Rick Buckler, Bruce Foxton

I really like listening to music in my free time. I sometimes search up different music but I don’t know what a song is called. it’s so weird.
I really enjoy listening to rock, punk, I also like instrumental music like Frank Pourcel and KPM Library music. Me and my dad love listening to James Bond soundtracks from the various 007 films.
Now it’s time to share my current favourite bands and songs.

I love to listen to Stand and Deliver by Adam and the Ants and Prince Charming too. I also love Oasis, and both Liam and Noel Gallagher’s music. I also enjoy singing along to them. I really enjoyed Noel’s album, Who Built the Moon. Liam’s album As You Were was also great. I also enjoy listening to The Clash, The Specials and Fun Boy Three,

Duran Duran is also really enjoyable. Other tracks I’m listening to at the moment is Hit The North by The Fall. It just makes me want to dance and I love it when the beat drops.
My family and I used to go to Lucky seven record shop up in high street where we would look for different records just in case we might find something that we are looking for. I loved going there. Sadly Lucky Seven shut down I’m really sad about that. We miss it so much.

Rip lucky seven

On Thursday evenings we go to Soho and explore. We go to another great record shop called Sister Ray. It’s a very interesting shop full of great music.

I also listen to stuff like queen and kiss i have seen the latest film which is Bohemian Rapsody it was one of the best movies i have ever watched it just looked perfect and so hilarous and emotional to see  them things happen which was extremely unpleasent but a really good and amazing film of all time.

I love all of the songs from Bohemian Rapsody  especially Live forever, under pressure, we are the champions , radio ga ga, bohemian rapsody of course , we will rock you, hammer to fall, dont stop me now, the show must go on , another one bites the dust , love of my life , somebody to love, i want to break free, doing alwright , killer queen, fat bottom girls  and more.

In June i went up to Coventry to see my sister, we had a great time. We visited the Two – tone museum  . We had a look around at all of the props and clothings that the Two- tone artists used and had. We saw the music sets  and objects what they had in the music videos and them playing live. We had to write down our faveroute two – tone track from the bands and then they will put it up on the websites. I chose Ghost Town by the specials because its great and vicious song  I really love it.  Ialso really like the music video too. .

The guy that was doing the tour of the two – Tone stuff  asked us if we wanted to do the Nutty train . The Nutty train was what  the band Madness did in the music video One step beyond .

Here are some facts about the specials.

The lyric; All the clubs have been closed down;  referred to the Locarno in Coventry.

Jerry Dammers took a year to write “Ghost town”  and  “begged” his bandmates to record it to his specifications.

The band was just 3 band members, Neville Staples, lynval Golding, Terry Hall left the Specials to form Fun Boy Three .

Me and my family sat in the real vehcle  as the one in the music video Ghost Town . As we walked through the door  i could feel goosbumps on me  as i saw the car with disco lights in the back and as the song played too which made it more realistic.

The   slide show of pictures will be down here.


I also liked watching Glastonbury.  I loved watching  The Killers , Johnny Marr, Liam Gallagher,  The Chemical Brothers, Wu Tan Clan, The Cure, Janet Jackson.

The sound systems were great, its just amazed me! also something to look forward to every year. Glastonbury is an adventure and a time to explore more and diffrent types of music that you will love and find yourself searching up that song or googling it up in a few days time.

I mostly listen to some radio stations . One of them are called Radio X , Resonance fm , Back to back f,m,  Magic.

I love playing piano , other intruments because its really fun to play them and the fact that you can make music  by just pressing down a few keys on the piano . Its crazy how you can make music and i like it.

Garage band is my faveroute music app on my ipad , Because I like making music and there is a big variety of intruments to use for your music. Also let me know what  app you use to make music or to do music preporation.

I also love listening to Roxy music . Their music is just legendary.

      these are some of my favorite bands and artists



more work to come on BbT.






SOME LOOK LIKE DONUTS, BREAD, CAKE ROLLS, MILK CARTONS, ANIMALS , AND FOOTBALls, basket balls, sphere shaped ones, coffee cups, hello kitty donuts and squishies, turtoises, food, peaches, panda buns, pandas, weird ones and more .

when i get new ones i will post it on bigblogtheory

I love collecting new squishies . I could play with them all day every day.

I love big ones , small ones, medium ones, tiny ones , giant ones, but i like giant ones  because  there is more space to squish them, are often very slow rising.

I mostly go on amazon to order my squishies most of them are cheap but they also have good ones  there are  so many websites where you can buy squishies from like Wish, Creamy Candy , Banggood , Amazon [ of course] .

. I love snap bracelets too and fidget toys, i just like to collect satisfying objects.

. I love watching asmr videos they are relaxing and cool and well done.

. When i shop on amazon it takes me quite a long time to think about what i want to get and look for. allthough i like looking on amazon for weird things.

I love listening to Asmr because its very weird and that is why i like it. And also let me know if you like it too.